Monday, February 27, 2012

KARAKIA (2012)

  E Pā Te Matua

Talking Tom learns Maori!
E Pā te matua
E inoi nei mātou ki a koe mō tōu manākitanga
Whakatuwhera mai te kūaha o te pono
Te tika me te aroha hoki
Korōria ki tōu ingoa tapu

We pray to you for your blessings
That you will open the doorway
To faith, righteousness and love
Glory to thee

Our school is learning a new opening karakia this year.  The term one goal for the middle and senior school is to be able to recite and translate the prayer.  Some of our students are well on the way to achieving this goal already. Well done!


  1. Wow funny stuff Mrs Neill taking Tom
    really does the job.
    Cameron N

  2. hi Mrs Neil! We love your stripey, black cat. So cool!!! love from Zoe and Megan

  3. That is a great way to teach kids and adults how to say the karakia.
